Saturday, 14 November 2009


...about Vaccinations

1. Vaccines have not been proved safe!

2. The proper studies haven’t been done!

3. Antibodies are not the final way in which your body is protected!

4. There is a difference between how children process material through air and food versus through injection!

5. There are particles in the vaccines that get into your brain!

6. There are particles that accumulate in your body and cause impairments in your immune system!

7. There are foreign DNA particles that get into your body!

8. Most doctors are far too arrogant to even consider that there is any possibility that there might be something wrong with vaccines.

9. Most paediatricians are indoctrinated to simply tell parents that anything related to a bad outcome from a vaccine is a mere coincidence.

10. Proper hygiene, proper sleep, proper diet, proper supplementation with things like vitamin D and perhaps vitamin C can prevent diseases.

Reference is Dr. Palevsky, board-certified paediatrician trained at the New York School of Medicine. "It also came to my attention that there were ingredients in there that were not properly tested, that the comparison groups were not appropriately set up, and that conclusions made about vaccine safety and efficacy just did not fit the scientific standards that I was trained to uphold in my medical school training.”

An article published in the Paediatrics Journal 2000 describes how, before the World War II, the majority of the infectious diseases the US was faced with – such as diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis, measles, influenza, parapertussis, tuberculosis and scarlet fever – were all reduced before World War II and BEFORE there were antibiotics and vaccinations available to treat or to vaccinate against these diseases.

The reasons for the reductions in incidence rates and mortality of these diseases were predominantly due to the implementation of public health strategies, including: * Clean water * Better living conditions * Improved sanitation * Improved nutrition

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